Digital Casebooks - Case-based Self-learning Environments to Promote Theory-Practice Transfer in Teacher Education Studies

University teaching is still dominated by theoretical knowledge transfer. This is especially contrary to the strong professional orientation of student teachers. Questions such as "What do I do if ... happens?" are often answered in educational science teaching that this cannot be answered in a blanket manner, but requires consideration of the individual case.

The aim of the teaching innovation is therefore to strengthen the theory-practice link. To this end, digital casebooks are being developed in which theoretical knowledge is to be applied to practical school issues on the basis of a concrete case study. In order to take the heterogeneity of the students into account, the digital casebooks will be designed in a multimodal, interactive and barrier-free way using digital technologies. Another focus will be on supporting self-regulated learning. After testing the digital casebooks on three practice-relevant topics, the teaching innovation will be made usable for other disciplines within and outside of teacher education.

Student-Life-Circle mit Implementierungsoptionen der digital Casebooks an der FSU
Student-Life-Circle mit Implementierungsoptionen der digital Casebooks an der FSU
Image: eigene Abbildung

Project Information 

Project duration: 12month, until March 2022

Funding Framework: Fellowship für Innovationen in der digitalen Hochschullehre vom StifterverbandExternal link

Project Goals: Creation of three digital case-based self-learning environments in the LMS Moodle.

Casebook Contents:
Casebook 1: Depression
Casebook 2: Eating disorder
Casebook 3: School Absenteeism

Current contributions at conferences, publications

27.06.2022 - Project presentation in the context of a showcase, 6th e-Learning Day Uni Jena

30.09.21 - Good-Practice-Presentation "Inklusion als Thema und Gestaltungsrahmen digital, fallbasierter Selbstlernumgebungen", in the context of the online conference "Inklusion Digital - Chancen und Herausforderungen inklusiver Bildung im Kontext von Digitalisierung", Universität zu Köln

02.08.21 - Poster contribution "Inklusion als Thema und Gestaltungsrahmen digitaler, fallbasierter Selbstlernumgebungen", Diversity Digital Thinking - The Wider View Uni Münster 2021.
Weblink ( link)

14.6.2021 - Moderation of a discourse workshop on "Digital casebooks - designing case-centered self-learning environments barrier-free?" by Dr. Franziska Greiner and Stephanie Wolf., M.A. Folien (Link link)

09.06.2021 - Lecture "Digital Casebooks. Case-centered self-learning environments for individualized linking of theory and practice" by Dr. Franziska Greiner at the Junges Forum for Media and Higher Education Development 2021

Project results and publications

Greiner, Franziska, und Stephanie Wolf. 2022. «Digital Casebooks. Konzeption fallzentrierter Selbstlernangebote zur individualisierten Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis». MedienPädagogik 48 (Digitalisierung als Katalysator): 52–64. /10.21240/mpaed/48/2022.06.07.X.External link