Final papers

The department supervises empirically oriented final papers.

The department only supervises papers that are empirically oriented. If you are interested in one of the following topics, read up on the topic and write an exposé.

Contact the respective contact person with this exposé and make an appointment for a consultation.Please do not address your inquiries to more than one person at the same time.

Topics for theses (winter semester 2020/21)

School Inclusion
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kracke

Vocational Orientation
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kracke

Possibilities and limits of counseling and psychotherapy in an educational-psychological context 
Contact person: PD Dr. Zoltán Samu

Health and resilience promotion in pedagogical professions 
Contact person: PD Dr. Zoltán Samu

Contact person: Dr. Julia Dietrich

Contact person: Dr. Julia Dietrich

Secondary data analyses with existing panel data (e.g. NEPSExternal linkpairfamExternal link)

Contact person: Dr. Julia Dietrich

Epistemic emotions (e.g. surprise, curiosity, confusion) during learning

Contact person: Belinda Berweger

Intercultural competence Contact person: Belinda Berweger

Emotions in the pedagogical field of action (especially with regard to teachers and university lecturers)/emotional self-regulation 
Contact person: Dr. Nicole Kämpfe

Group Processes and Dynamics in (Virtual) Groups

Contact person: Dr. Nicole Kämpfe

Methods of pedagogical-psychological counseling

Contact: Dr. Nicole Kämpfe

School support as a field of action of multiprofessional cooperation in inclusive schools

Contact: Stefanie Czempiel

Social pedagogical team teaching (evaluation of existing interviews; literature review; ...)
Contact person: Stefanie Czempiel