Practical semester

Dear students of the practical semester,

we would like to provide you with general information on the organization, the content structure of the course and the practical semester report.

1. general information

Group assignment: Please note that the group assignment for the accompanying course "Educational Psychology" (time and lecturer) can be found on the homepage of the Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research. The corresponding rooms can be found in the online course catalog Friedolin. Please contact Ms. Burkhardt if you have any questions regarding exam registration and organization. If you have questions regarding the content of the accompanying courses, please contact your lecturers in Educational Psychology.

Exam registration: It is important to register for exams electronically in FriedolinExternal link ("Registering/deregistering for exams"). If something seems unclear to you, please contact the secretary's office Ms. Burkhardt or the ASPA immediately. Our lecturers will provide you with all further information regarding the content of the practical semester. If you are unable to register for the exam, we have briefly compiled some points that must be observed:

  • If you have difficulties with the exam registration for the respective module, please contact Friedolin via the ticket master system first, then the respective responsible secretariat and if all problems are not solved yet, the examination office ASPA. The following problem solutions are provided by the Chair of Educational Psychology and the Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research:
  • You have forgotten to register for the exam: Solution: Go to ASPA and request a retroactive exam registration for the respective module and note the assignment to the instructor.
  • You still have open module achievements, therefore registration is not possible. Solution: apply to ASPA for admission to examinations; if necessary, have the missing grades from other modules added quickly.
  • You could not log in because "prerequisite error" appears. Solution: In this case, please note the following: You are registered for two subjects (e.g. German/Math). Up to now you have always registered for the module exams in Educational Science via the subject German. Now you want to register for Educational Science via Math. This is not possible, the Friedolin system has recognition problems. Please always stay in the same subject when registering. Please go to ASPA immediately and quickly apply for exam admission for the module in which you could not register. The same applies if you change subjects. Here, "Prerequisite error" will also appear. Here, too, you must go to the examination office and have yourself "hard re-registered" once.

2. structure of content

As part of the accompanying course "Educational Psychology", you will go through a diagnostic process and reflect on a case from your practice in a theory-based manner. The content-related steps are: (1) observe & describe, (2) interpret, (3) analyze and (4) intervene & reflect.

3. practical semester report

The practical semester report represents your examination performance. It is also to be designated as such on the cover sheet. A study text is to be formulated that links the experiences from school with scientific perspectives. Here, a concrete example from everyday school life is to be picked out and supported with appropriate theories from educational psychology and relevant approaches to solutions.

Guiding thoughts for the learning text

The report should analyze an example from your internship semester school from two theoretical perspectives and develop possible solutions. The report should be formulated in such a way that future participants in the practical semester can use it as a study text. You yourself can also use the text as an accompaniment for your practice and, of course, for exam preparation! The study text should comprise a maximum of 10 pages (plus cover sheet and bibliography).

Submission: Please email your study text as a PDF to your respective instructor. Please follow this guideline for labeling the file: Last Name_First Name_Lerntext. You will find the deadline in your examination system Friedolin.

Finally, we would like to point out that your feedback is very important to us. All departments and institutes involved in the internship semester are just as much in the learning process as you are, and we therefore look forward to your suggestions and constructive criticism.

Important! There will be no group swapping. Please refrain from requests and arbitrary swaps. We have 200 students to coordinate and cannot accommodate special requests. Please be understanding.

Your team of Educational Psychology