Professionalization for collaborative planning and assessment in inclusion (ProfKOOP)

  • ProfKOOP-Teaser
    Image: Stefanie Czempiel

    Collaborative Project: Professionalization for Cooperative Planning and Assessment in Inclusion funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Project description

Supporting learners individually and at the same time integrating them into the social group - these are the challenges teachers face every day in inclusive teaching. This results in two central focal points for the professionalization of teachers: It is necessary to design teaching offers and to assess performance individually and yet systematically. Both fields of action are so complex in joint learning groups of students with and without special educational needs that they must be dealt with not by individual teachers, but by several teachers. The diversity of the student body requires joint reflection from different perspectives. So far, there are only few pedagogical-didactical approaches to lesson planning and performance assessment for heterogeneous learning groups of students with and without special educational needs. This is especially true for the group of students with special educational needs in learning and mental development, who are taught and assessed according to separate curricula in the majority of the German states. This is where the ProfKOOP research project comes in. 

The aim of the project is to test and further develop two pedagogical-didactic approaches to lesson planning and performance assessment for heterogeneous learning groups, particularly with regard to their benefits for cooperation among teachers. Teacher training courses, which are adapted to the level of development of the individual schools, focus on the instrument "differentiation matrix" in the area of lesson planning and on the instrument of "curricular individualized" reports in the area of performance assessment. Practice-oriented training modules and materials will be developed and made available to the interested public.



Image: Verena Held

In diesem Video erklären wir die Differenzierungsmatrix als didaktisches Mittel, um inklusiven Unterricht zu planen. Im Projekt ProfKOOP nutzen wir die Differenzierungsmatrix als Instrument, um kooperative Planung und Leistungsbewertung in heterogenen Lerngruppen mit Teams aus drei Schulen zu erproben.

Explanatory video "What is a differentiation matrix?"External link

  1. Kracke, Bärbel, Univ.-Prof. Dr Project management
    Educational Psychology
  2. Czempiel, Stefanie, Dr Research associate
    Educational Psychology