
Vocational Orientation as a Cooperative Task - TransferPlus

Image: Team BOKOOP

co-funder ESF Plus-Thuringia

Graphic: ESF Plus-Thüringen

QR-code digital Questionnaire Career Choice Competence (DE)

Picture: Team BOKOOP

Project description

Preparing the transition from school to work is a central developmental task in adolescence. In order for young people to successfully master the process of choosing a career, they need support through targeted pedagogical offers for vocational orientation (VO) that take into account their respective stage of development.
The basis for professional action in the context of vocational orientation is formed by the findings of the multi-year research project Thuringian Vocational Orientation Model (ThüBOM) (2008-2015), which aimed to systematize vocational orientation in schools at the organizational, personnel and instructional levels. The basis of this systematization is the Career Choice Competence Modelpdf, 106 kb · de, which specifies those competencies that students need in order to successfully master career choice-related requirements. A holistic and systematic career choice process also requires coordinated action by all those who offer career guidance activities in different institutions (e.g., schools, educational institutions). Stimulating and supporting this cross-institutional cooperation was the goal of the project Vocational Orientation as a Cooperative Task (BOKOOP) (2015-2022). The BOKOOP-TransferPlus project is a direct continuation of these two predecessor projects.

Project content

The project aims to transfer the instruments and materials developed in the ThüBOM and BOKOOP projects for shaping vocational orientation into school practice and to implement them sustainably. For this purpose, accompanying consulting offers for Thuringian schools and educational institutions to support the conception, procedure and structuring of vocational orientation are planned. The main focus is on the development of diagnostic instruments for assessing young people's Career Choice Competence, the consolidation of vocational orientation at the transition from the general to the vocational school system and the development of a digital self-learning tool to facilitate the acquirement of skills in teacher training. In addition, continuous training for teachers on current topics of vocational orientation is carried out.

Vocational Orientation as a Cooperative Task - TransferPlus

Image: Team BOKOOP

*Supported by the Free State of Thuringia and the European Social Fund Plus

Featured publications

Kaak, S., Landgraf, A., & Kracke, B. (2024). Berufsorientierung im Kindes- und Jugendalter [Vocational orientation in childhood and adolescence]. In B. Kracke & P. Noack (Hrsg.), Entwicklung im Schulalter (S. 145-163). Utb.

Lipowski, K., Kaak, S., & Kracke, B. (Hrsg.) (2021). Handbuch Schulische Berufliche Orientierung. Praxisorientierte Unterstützung für den Übergang Schule - Beruf [Manual for vocational orientation in schools. Practice-oriented support for the transition from school to work], (2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Aufl.). Verlag das netz.

Landgraf, A., Kaak, S., & Kracke, B. (2021). Diagnostikverfahren in der beruflichen Orientierung. Ein Blick aus entwicklungspsychologischer Perspektive [Diagnostic procedures in vocational orientation. A view from a developmental psychological perspective]. dvb forum60(2)4-10. https://doi.org/10.3278/DVB2102W004External link

Landgraf, A., Kaak, S. & Kracke, B. (2021). Herausforderungen am Übergang Schule - Beruf [Challenges in the transition from school to work]. journal für schulentwicklung, 25(1), 33-41.

Featured presentations

Kaak, S., Niederfriniger, J., Heinrichs, K., & Kracke, B. (2024, September 23). Der Stand der Berufswahlkompetenz von Jugendlichen an Polytechnischen Schulen in Österreich und Ergebnisse zur Güte des Kurzfragebogens Berufswahlkompetenz [The current status of career choice competence of young people at polytechnic schools in Austria and results on the quality of the short questionnaire on career choice competence]. Vortrag auf der WiN.BO Jahrestagung, Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe.

Kaak, S., Dehne, M., Kracke, B., & Lipowski, K. (2023, 19. September). Fördern Schülerpraktika die Berufswahlkompetenz? Ergebnisse einer Propensity Score Matching Studie [Do school internships promote career choice competence? Results of a propensity score matching study]. Vortrag auf der WiN.BO Jahrestagung, Universität Bremen.

Kaak, S., Lipowski, K., Dehne, M., & Kracke, B. (2022, 09. März). Schülerpraktika in der schulischen Berufsorientierung – Eine wirksame Praxiserfahrung für Schüler*innen an Gymnasien? [Student internships in educational vocational orientation - an effective practical experience for high school students?]. Vortrag auf der 9. GEBF-Tagung, Bamberg.

Kaak, S., Landgraf, A., & Kracke, B. (2022, 20. Januar). Individualisierte berufliche Orientierung durch den Einsatz standardisierter Diagnostik – Entwicklung einer Digitalversion des Fragebogens Berufswahlkompetenz [Individualized vocational orientation through the use of standardized diagnostics - development of a digital version of the career choice competence questionnaire]. Vortrag auf dem 2. Symposium Diversität in der beruflichen Bildung, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien.

Full list of publicationspdf, 310 kb · de (Updated: October 2024)

Project staff

  1. Kaak, Silvio Research Associate
    Educational Psychology
  2. Kracke, Bärbel, Univ.-Prof. Dr Project Leadership
    Educational Psychology

Student assistants

  • Barz, Caroline



  • Neff, Gina



  • FSULogo
  • ESF Plus-Thüringen Logo horizontale Darstellung