Teaser ZM65plus

Future market 65plus

Developing offers for senior citizens
Teaser ZM65plus
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Project description

Due to demographic change, today's 65-plus generation is not only stronger in numbers than in the past. Their resources, potentials and needs have also become more diverse. With the shift in the age structure and the changes in the living situation of this age group, the demand for offers and services is also growing and changing. In addition to the need for change with regard to the "classic" topics of old age and aging, such as medical and nursing care, topics such as lifestyle, culture, education, mobility, intergenerational interaction or social participation are increasingly coming into focus. However, these topics and areas are often not yet developed, or only to a limited extent, and offer potential for new forward-looking offerings. Above all, specialized, target-group-oriented offerings will be needed, which can be covered by independent activities or targeted projects within companies. Against this background, the project aimed at the scientifically founded conception and long-term implementation of a further education certificate course at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

This course of studies enables graduates to develop a scientifically founded, sustainable idea for an offer for the generation 65plus and qualifies them for the implementation of this idea in the context of activities within (social) institutions or self-employment. The program was piloted from the winter semester 2018/19 to the summer semester 2020 and was accompanied by a comprehensive evaluation. In the run-up, current needs of the 65plus generation as well as gaps and requirements in the accompaniment, care and support of persons of this age group were determined by means of a detailed market and needs analysis. In addition, a systematic exploration of the expectations and study requirements of potential participants as well as the requirements and ideas of companies and institutions active in the field was carried out. The definition of the study contents and the didactic concept was carried out in close coordination with the teachers from the participating disciplines as well as partners from practice. Click here de for a list of our project progress and publications.

Academic concept

Structure and Degree. The continuing education program can be studied part-time and is completed with a certificate. The duration of study is three semesters.

Target group. The study program is aimed at people who want to further educate themselves in the counseling, care and support of people in the 65plus age group and who want to develop a new offer for this age group or expand an existing offer against the background of scientific findings. The extra-occupational study is interesting for people who want to start their own business (e.g. consulting, service) as well as for people who want to promote projects for the older generation within their current occupation and who want to qualify for new tasks. For employers, the program opens up the possibility of making employees fit for dealing with the challenges of demographic change and implementing corresponding projects in the company. The program is suitable for students as well as persons with (completed) first degree as well as for employed persons and professionally qualified persons without previous university experience or without formal university entrance qualification. Flexible teaching arrangements are also intended to enable participation by those who are heavily involved due to professional and/or family obligations.

Content and teaching concept. Within the framework of the study program, the participants will deal with the specific topics and needs of the 65plus age group. For this purpose, current findings and research results on the topic of age and aging from the various disciplines (e.g. psychology, sociology, pedagogy and sports science) will be prepared in a transferable manner. The knowledge about potentials and resources should enable the students to develop scientifically based ideas for offers for the age group 65plus. Furthermore, entrepreneurial backgrounds are imparted, which enable the participants to implement the developed ideas successfully and cost-covering. Depending on one's own goals, competencies with regard to project and start-up management can be deepened. In addition, key qualifications for target group-oriented design as well as marketing of one's own ideas are trained. 

Classroom events are combined with internet-based self-study phases as part of a blended learning arrangement. The heterogeneous study prerequisites of the students should be taken into account as well as possible inhibitions and fears in dealing with new forms of learning and media. In addition to an activity- and experience-oriented design of the learning content, the study program is to be supplemented by practical phases. In these practical phases, developed ideas and concepts can be tested in the context of one's own professional activity or as an internship at (local) institutions and companies.

Partners. Throughout the project phase, great importance is attached to close cooperation with partners from the field. For example, close consultation during the design phase enabled a comprehensive assessment of the needs of the 65-plus generation. In addition, a close exchange is intended to ensure a high degree of fit between the skills and abilities taught in the course of study and the requirements and demands that apply in practice. In addition, the practice partners are an important source of support in the acquisition of participants and the public announcement of the study program, as well as in the design of the study content and the arrangement of practical phases.

A project advisory board has been appointed to intensify consultation and support. The currently involved partners from practice include:

  • Agentur für Arbeit Jena
  • Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Seniorenbüros e.V.
  • DRK Landesverband Thüringen e.V.
  • Diako Thüringen gem. GmbH
  • jenawohnen GmbH
  • Team integrierte Sozialplanung der Stadt Jena
Teaser ZM65plus
Teaser ZM65plus
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
  1. Kracke, Bärbel, Univ.-Prof. Dr Project management Educational Psychology
Projekt Zukunftsmarkt 65plus

Room 204
Fürstengraben 11
07743 Jena

Postal address:
Lehrstuhl für Pädagogische Psychologie
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Am Planetarium 4
07743 Jena